Buyers have the option to buy images as non-exclusive or exclusive.
Non-exclusive gives you the image to use however you may wish, but
the image remains on the site for others to possibly download. Perfect
for roughs and mock ups.
Buying an image as exclusive results in it being immediately removed
from the stock library and web site. This is all that is guaranteed.
With modern tech, there are a variety of ways images can be illegally
copied from web sites e.g. Screen Shots, watermark removal, cell phone
camera photos, right clicks, etc. As a result, studioAI cannot guarantee
that the image you purchases cannot be “used” from illegal downloads
of the image from the site before you buy. And as such studioAI will not
accept any responsibility whatsoever for any image sold on an “exclusive
basis”, if these images are used by another company.
If you require a totally exclusive image(s), please send us a tight brief
and a reference number of a similar image on studioAI for refference,
and we will produce images for you that have never appeared on a web
site and are totally exclusive to you